lunes, 27 de abril de 2020

Actividades de inglés para 4ºA para el 28 de abril

Days of the week

1) Write this on your notebook (Escribe esto en tu cuaderno)

In English the names of the seven days of the week are:
Monday, Tuesday. , Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

2) 1. Put the days of the week in the correct order. Then write them in Spanish. (Ordena los días de la semana y después tradúcelos al castellano).

1. Monday.............................................

3. Match them up! Match the special days with their definition.
(Une el nombre de cada festividad con su definición)

1. Birthday
2. Christmas
3. Halloween
4. Easter
5. Name day
6. New Year’s Eve

a) the day when children dress up in scary costumes
b) the day you celebrate the day you were born
c) the Christian festival celebrating the birth of Christ
d) the day you celebrate your name                                        
e) the last day of the year
f) the Christian festival in spring

3) Which days do you celebrate? (¿Cuáles de las festividades del ejercicio 2 celebras tú y cuáles no?)
I celebrate ____________________________________________________
I don’t celebrate _______________________________________________.

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