viernes, 24 de abril de 2020

Actividades de inglés para 5ºA, 5ºB, 6ºA y 6ºB para el día 24 de abril

Watch the video at least 3 times and the choose the correct answer (Después de ver el video al menos 3 veces, elige la respuesa correcta para cada pregunta)

1) This video is about...
a) The Romans and the Greeks
b) The Romans and the Vikings
c) The Vikings and the Greeks.

2) The Romans arrived in Britain in
a) 43 A. D.
b) 34 B. C.
c) 43 B. C.

3) What was the Roman name for the city of Bath?
a) Londinium
b) Aquae Sulis
c) York

4) The Romans were ___________ than the Britains.
a) cleaner
b) dirtier
c) taller

5) Where was Hadrian’s Wall situated?
a) in the South
b) in the East
c) in the North

6) The Vikings arrived in ________ 400 years after the Romans.
a) York
b) London
c) Bath

7) The Vikings were from countries like Sweden and _____________
a) Germany
b) Spain
c) Denmark

8) The Vikings attacked towns and cities on the _______ cost of England.
a) West
b) South
c) East

9) Which English city has lots of streets with Viking names?
a) London
b) Bath
c) York

10) Did the Romans or the Vikings live in Spain?
a) Yes, the Romans did.
b) Yes, the Vikings did.
c) Yes, both of them did.

NOta: el próximo lunes 27 de abril, pulicaré las soluciones a esta test para que podáis auto-corregir.

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